The University of Akron
Aug 2016 - May 2022
This project was for our Senior Show Exhibition to display our collective
and individual creative talents of our graduating class. Our ideas focused on
introspection of the designers; but more importantly we wanted our display to reach
outside viewers; and see themselves reflected back. Each of my classmates as well as
myself, have our own unique backgrounds and interests, but we were able to move past
this and develop a collective and inclusive project which reflected ourselves as
individuals but also as a group. We bridged the gap to the outside world and those
viewing our work the ability to see themselves as part of it. This Project was a great
sendoff for myself and my classmates at the University – When we started on this
project we had no idea that this would be our final exhibition; but by working collectively
as a group of designers we all became much closer. Being the leader during this project
provided me the experience of how to incorporate various elements of design as well as
incorporating the individual ideas and thoughts of each of the designers into a cohesive
project. I gained a great deal of knowledge and experience by leading others in the
creative thought process which in turn allowed our work to connect with our outside
community. This project was a fantastic opportunity for me and I could not be happier
with the outcome.